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Name «Sviatoslav»

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З Днем Народження, Святославе!

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Famous and successful with the name Святослав



Diagram popularity of the name Sviatoslav in the country

  • Close to 0.26% men has a name Sviatoslav
  • Up to 38000 bearers of the name in Ukraine
  • In 2004 the most were named boys with name Sviatoslav
  • Popularity is gradually increasing

Dictionary meaning

The name Sviatoslav has Slavic roots. The origin of the name Sviatoslav is connected to the Slavic words "sviata" and "slava." It was given to children born in families that brought success, glory, and light to their people.

English pronunciation

To pronounce the Ukrainian name "Sviatoslav," follow these steps:

1. **Svi**: Start with the "S" sound as in "sad," followed by "vi," where the "v" sounds like "v" in "valve," and "i" is pronounced like "ee" in "meet." Together, it sounds like "Svee."

2. **atos**: Next, use "a," pronounced like "ah" in "father," and "tos," where "t" is like "t" in "toe." The "o" should sound like "o" in "off" and end with "s" as in "sad." This part sounds like "ah-toss."

3. **lav**: Finally, pronounce "l" as in "lab," "a" as "ah" in "father," and "v" as in "valve" for "lav."

Putting it all together, "Sviatoslav" is pronounced as "Svee-ah-toss-lav." The emphasis is generally on the second syllable: "ah."

English transliteration


Patronymic Creation




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Famous and successful with the name Sviatoslav

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Images with name Sviatoslav
З Днем Народження, Святославе!

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