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Name «Sviatopolk»


Dictionary meaning

Sviatopolk is a Slavic male personal name that consists of the adjective root "sviat-" (meaning "holy," "strong") and the root "polk" (meaning "army," "regiment," "crowd"). In Rus', the first mention of the name Sviatopolk dates back to 980, when Sviatopolk Volodymyrovych, the elder son of Volodymyr the Great, was already known (source: Chronicle). Also, in records from the same year, Sviatopolk is referred to as Petro Yaroslavovych Okaianyi — the Prince of Turiv and Grand Prince of Kyiv. In 1095, it is noted that Sviatopolk ordered the construction of a city on Vytychev, which was named after him. In 1171, Sviatopolk is mentioned as the boyar of Halych, Yaroslav Volodymyrovych. The name Sviatopolk is also known among other Slavs, such as the Czechs, but only from the 12th century. In Ukraine, this name was restored only in 1968.

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