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Name «Sudylo»


Dictionary meaning

The name being discussed is formed with the suffix "-ilo" from the truncated roots of names such as Sudivoy and Sudimir. This name has been recorded among the Old Russian graffiti of St. Sophia in Kyiv, specifically in tables 112 and 452. This name fits well into a group of related Old Russian names, which are also documented in the same graffiti, including inscriptions like Sudivoy, Sudimir, Sudislav, Sudko, and others. Conversational variants (registries, recorded in sources) have been derived from these names.It is also noteworthy to mention the Old Russian anthroponymic formula Sudilo Něžatyychъ, which provides an example of the usage of similar names, as well as the patronymic Glebъ Sudilovich, recorded in 1213.Thus, the name "Sudilo" has deep historical roots and is connected to ancient traditions on the territory of Rus.

English transliteration




2 songs with name mentions Sudylo

Над моєю хатиною

Судіть, судіть, воріженьки, -
Судила б вас трясця!..
А моєму миленькому
Пошли, Боже, щастя.

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Чи ти чула, дівчинонько?

Нехай судять, нехай судять,
Судила б їх мука:
Вони бачать, вони чують,
Що з милим розлука...

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