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Name «Strashko»


Dictionary meaning

The name 'Strashko' is a hypocoristic (diminutive or affectionate form) of the personal name Strakh. This name is currently used by Bulgarians, Serbs, and Croats. Its origins may vary:

1. It may have been formed by suffixation from the name Strakh.
2. It could be derived through a truncation-suffixal method from the compounds Strashimir or Strakhomir (similarly to how the name Slavko derives from Jaroslav).
3. There is a possibility of its emergence phonemically from the name Straśko.
4. Another version suggests that the name originates from the Ukrainian appellative "straško," which means 'scarecrow' or 'coward.'

The first mentions of the personal name Strashko date back to 1470, when a document refers to "pan Strashko" in the city of Volodymyr. The name is also recorded in 1620 as a Ukrainian anthroponym. From the 14th to the 15th century, the names Straszko and Strasz were used in Poland as well.

English transliteration




1 songs with name mentions Strashko

Господа Діда Тимка

А в павутині жив павук,
Що мав ім'я Страшко,

Господа Діда Тимка

А в павутині жив павук,
Що мав ім'я Страшко,

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