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Name «Strakh»


Dictionary meaning

The name "Strakh" may have originated due to the complete truncation of one of the two ancient Slavic double-base names, such as "Serb" or "Croat." Examples include Ljubostrach or Polish names Strachomir and Strachoslav. One of the earliest recorded forms of this name in Ukraine, used as a surname, dates back to 1565: Vasko Strach, as well as in 1618, where a serf named Yasko Strakh from the town of Zboriv in Eastern Slovakia is mentioned. The name Strakh appears in Ukrainian language records from 1601, 1616, and 1649. In 1649, under the name Anton Strakh, one of the Cossacks of the Zaporizhian Army is noted, while in 1667, Zaporizhian Cossack Strakh is mentioned. In the village of Miroshiv in Prešov since 1618, the surname Nestrakh Ivan is recorded.Records dating back to the late 15th century already document the patronymic - Strakhovym. Most of them are presented with the complete reduction of the phoneme /h/, reflecting the phenomenon of the Serbian language. For example, in 1403, a poem "Bratooula Strahovicha" is mentioned in the city of Suceava. There are also Ukrainian records of patronymics from the late 14th to early 15th century, such as Bratoul Stravym, Kosten Stravym from Moldova, in which the South Slavic phonetic change from /h/ to /v/ occurred. This is also reflected in the modern Zakarpattia village of Strabymovo, which originates from Stravymovo and Strakhymovo.During the period from the 13th to the 16th century, the names Strakh, Strachomir, and Strachota were also used in Poland, Russia, and Bulgaria.

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3 songs with name mentions Strakh

Життя урагани збороти!

Раю з безодні жадаю, відкидаю шори.
Задрімав? Не страшно! Прокинувся вчасно!
Суть не у безстрашно! Страх це теж прекрасно!
Доки ми не згаснем, доти має бути бій!
Доти біжи, а не стій! Прокидаємось, мерщій!

Зоре Вифлеємська

Ненько-Україно, скроплена сльозами
Кровію полита, Страхом у біді.
Кривджена роками вражими руками,
З Вифлеємським світлом зникне зло в пітьмі.

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Життя урагани збороти!

Раю з безодні жадаю, відкидаю шори.
Задрімав? Не страшно! Прокинувся вчасно!
Суть не у безстрашно! Страх це теж прекрасно!
Доки ми не згаснем, доти має бути бій!
Доти біжи, а не стій! Прокидаємось, мерщій!

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Сам уже не знаю, тіло помирає!

Ім'я йому – Страх!

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