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Name «Stoiko»


Dictionary meaning

The male name Stoyko may have originated through a truncation-suffix formation from ancient Slavic binary names such as Stoymir, Stoyislav, or Dobrostoy. However, at that time, the subjective-emotional assessment of this name was not yet expressed, as, for example, in the Serbian variant Stoyko.

This name could also have been formed through truncation, similar to Stoyo or Stoy, when these forms expressed diminutiveness or affection, as seen in the Bulgarian variant Stoyko. In Ukraine, the name Stoyko with the final "o" is mentioned among the Cossacks in 1649, notably Cossack Yatsko Stoyko. Additionally, the patronymic Stoykowicz is recorded in the 17th century.

Among the Czechs, the name Stojko is classified as a colloquial variant of the name Stojmir. On the island of Rügen and in the eastern regions of medieval Germany, the name Stoizlaus was also common.

English transliteration


