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Name «Stano»


Dictionary meaning

The name Stano has an interesting history and origin. It has been recorded in surname records since 1520, when the name Andrii Stano appeared (CDIA 180). It is also linked to the village of Stanovo in Transcarpathia, which was mentioned in writing as early as 1364 (Džeže 270), and to the village of Stanovo in the Moldavian Principality (SSUM II 380). In 1566, the patronymic name Stanovięta was recorded in the city of Sianok from the name Stanchy (Hrushevsky Sources II 87, 270). Today, the name Stano is used in Slovak, South Slavic, and Polish cultures. Its earliest records date back to the 14th century (SSNOV 171). This name has become the basis for many variations, such as Stanoi, Stanch, Stanchyk, Stanchul, Stansha, and others.The name Stano has been officially recorded in Ukraine since the 16th century (Wolnycz-Pawłowska 52). There is also a softer version of this name - Sthanyo (Wolnycz-Pawłowska 55).

English transliteration




2 songs with name mentions Stano

Ой устану ранесенько вмию Личко Білесеньке

Ой чи брала чи не брала Василечка пострічала -2

Ой Дівчино Молоденька сама Станом ти гарненька
Дозволь Стан Твій обіймати Біле Личко цілувати -2

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Ой, у лузі червона калина похилилася...

Підіймемо! Не журися,
Наша Україно, розвеселимо!
Розбудуємо! Стане ще краще,
Ніж було до того! Не потрапим
До Рашистської пащі ми ніколи!

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