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Name «Snovyd»


Dictionary meaning

The name "Snovyd" originates from the noun base "sн" - 'dream' and the verbal base "-vid" (from the dialectal "vidіty"). The semantics of this name were 'dream' or 'vision'. The earliest record of the name dates back to 1097: Snovyd Izechevich - a groom of Svyatopolk Izyaslavich. In 1158, the patronymic "Kuzma Snovidich" is mentioned. There is also a record from 1442: "Snowidow." In the mid-15th century, the toponym "Snowidhow" is found in Ternopil region in the form of a possessive adjective. In 1454, the name "Mlyn Snovydovskyi" is mentioned in the Galician region, as well as the village Snovydovychi in Rivne region. The surnames "Snovida" and "Snovidovych" are still preserved among Ukrainians. The name "Snouid" and its derivatives are also known in medieval Poland.

English transliteration


