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Name «Rusyn»


Dictionary meaning

**Rusyn** is an ancient Slavic personal name that features the suffix of singularity -yn and originates from the ethnonym "rus," which means 'eastern Slav' or 'Ukrainian.' The earliest references to this name on Ukrainian lands date back to the 13th century. According to naming conventions, most similar records come from territories where Ukrainians lived alongside or in mixed settlements with representatives of other nationalities. For example, in 1213, records mention "se esse liberos et genere Rutenos" - residents of the village of Banu in the county of Krasna. Another mention is the village of Rusen near the city of Sharisha in 1387. In written documents from the 14th to 15th centuries, the anthroponym "Rusyn" was perceived either as a proper name or as an ethnonym. For instance, in 1390, there is a mention of Rusyn Plaksich – a Lithuanian nobleman, and in 1450 – our prayer book contracts non Rusyn in the city of Suceava. In the 16th century, the personal name Rusyn was also used in Belarus. Examples include Rusyn Charinovich recorded in 1528 and "plebanus Ruthenus" in the village of Chumalevo in 1545. In 1585, there is a mention of the serf Nic. Ruzyn in the village of Kolochava. In the 17th century, the term "Rusyn" became a surname. For example, records of the Cossacks of the Korsun regiment from 1649 include Ivan Rusinenko and Martin Rusinenko. The anthroponym "Rusyn" is also known in Poland since the 14th century. Examples include Nicolaus dictus Rusin from 1386 and Pessiconi dieto Russzyn in 1394. It is worth noting that the personal name Rusyn is recognized among Serbs, Croats, and Bulgarians, where it is associated with the meaning 'blonde.'

English transliteration




2 songs with name mentions Rusyn

Біда панну спокусила

Пішла панна за русина.

Русин каже: "Іди в поле",
Панна каже: "Стерня коле.

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Біда польку підкосила

Вийшла заміж за русина, аяяя...

Русин каже йти у поле, чума-чумайда,
Русин каже йти у поле, гей чума-чумайда! -
Полька каже в боці коле, аяяя...

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