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Name «Rozhko»


Dictionary meaning

The name "Rozhko" is a Ukrainian personal name derived from the word "Rog" with the diminutive suffix "-ko." For instance, there are mentions of a person named Rozhko in 1437 (the anthroponym Rożko) and in 1559 (Rożko Olenin). Additionally, it's worth noting the names of Cossacks from the Biлоцерківський regiment in 1649: Klym Rozhko, Kondrat Rozhko, as well as the Cossack from the Myrhorod regiment Homa Rozhko. From the name Rozhko, patronymics such as Rozhkovych or Rozhchenko are formed.

English transliteration




1 songs with name mentions Rozhko

А в Полі в Полі Плужок ходит

А в Полі в Полі Плужок ходит
А за тим Плужком
Сам Бог из Рожком
А Божа Мати
Отдай Господи Рог

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