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Name «Redko»


Dictionary meaning

Redko is a Slavic personal name that likely originated from the Serbian noun "red," meaning "row, order." The existence of the name Redko in the Ukrainian context of the 16th-17th centuries is supported by records such as Redko Hryhorenko, documented in 1600, and the Cossack Redko Tokarenko from the Priluky regiment in 1649. Additionally, Cossack Petro Red'chenya from the Korsun regiment is mentioned in 1649. The name Redko can be compared to the old Serbian name Redilo and ancient surnames of Zakarpattian Ukrainians, such as Reda, Redei, and Rednyk. Particularly intriguing is the suggestion that the name Redko may be connected to the anthropo-base Redea, which is mentioned among serfs in 1213 in the village of Ban, located in the estate of Krasna.

English transliteration


