To pronounce the Ukrainian name "Radoslav," follow these steps:1. **Rad**: Start with "Ra," where "a" sounds like the "a" in "father." Combine it with "d," which sounds like "d" in "dog." So, "Rad" will sound like "Rahd."2. **O**: Next, the "o" in "oslav" is pronounced like "o" in "off." 3. **Slav**: The "sl" is straightforward — "s" as in "sad" and "l" as in "lab." Then, the "av" sounds like "ahv," using "a" as in "father" and "v" as in "valve."Putting it all together, you say it as "Rah-doh-slahv." Ensure that the emphasis is typically placed on the first syllable, thus making it sound rhythmic and fluid.