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Name «Radcha»


Dictionary meaning

The name Radcha originates from the family names Radchych and Radchynych by removing the patronymic suffix -ych. In records from 1620, Radchych Silenya Golenya is mentioned, and in 1490, a royal scribe with the surname Radchynych is noted. Thus, the personal name Radcha is formed from the name Rad using the diminutive suffix -cha. The patronymic suffixes -cha and -enya were quite productive in the formation of surnames in the Pokuttya and Volhynia regions during the 17th century. For example, in a record from 1620, one can find armored shooters from the village of Pluzhne in Volhynia: Makhno Kurilenya, Radchenya Stepan, Stepan Prikhodchenya. Additionally, in a record from 1670, Radcze ad Uście is mentioned.

English transliteration


