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Name «Rachsha»


Dictionary meaning

The name 'Rachsha' is a Slavic diminutive formed with the suffix '-sha', derived from the anthroponym 'Rak'. In this case, the final 'k' changed to 'n'. The earliest written record of the name 'Rachsha' dates back to 1288 and refers to a Vladimir-Volyn boyar, a servant of Volodymyr Vasilyovych. According to M. Demchuk, the name 'Rash' originates from the name morpheme 'Rah', which is part of the full dual-root name 'Radoslav'. The first Ukrainian records of the name 'Rash' are known from the late 15th century. Specifically, in 1491, the name 'Kosko alias Rasz' is documented, and in 1565 there are references to 'Rasz'. There are also records of the surname 'Raszik' in combination with the personal name 'Ilko' from the year 1565. Similar recordings of the anthroponyms 'Raszek' and 'Raszko' can also be found in Polish sources.

English transliteration




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