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Name «Pukh»


Dictionary meaning

The name 'Pukh' likely has an anthroponymic origin from the appellative 'pukh', which means 'small, delicate feathers of a bird'. The earliest records of this name come from the territory of the Polish state in the 14th century. For example, in 1381, there is a record of Mathias Puch. Ukrainian records date back to the mid-17th century, but even then, the lexeme 'Pukh' already served as a nickname. For example, in 1676, a Cossack from the Kharkiv regiment named Alexey Pukh is mentioned.The name 'Pyatko' appears several times in documents from the 15th to the 17th century, usually as an additional designation alongside a personal name. For instance, in 1444, Phyatko Jary is noted, and in 1662, Fedor Pyatko is mentioned. This name is derived from the ordinal numeral 'fifth' with the use of the substantivizing suffix -ko, analogous to other personal names such as Pershko, Shestiyko. It indicated the order of a child's birth within the family.The name 'Pyatnitsa' is a Slavic personal name that signifies the day Friday. This idea came to the Ukrainians from peoples who embraced Christianity a long time ago. In literature, the name is explained as a calque from the Greek name 'Paraskyeva', which also means 'Friday'. In the Croatian language, names like Petka and Petko have been recorded since the 13th century, while in northern Greece, an apocryphal life of Saint Paraskyeva is mentioned in the 12th century. Modern equivalents of the Greek name Paraskyeva and the Latin name Quintus are popular among all Slavic peoples.

English transliteration


