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Name «Prybyla»


Dictionary meaning

Pribyla is a Slavic masculine personal name that originates from the Podkarpatsky toponym of the 14th century - Przybyłow or Przybyłowa. This name was formed using the verbal suffix -l-a, indicating a connection to ancient Slavic dual-base names such as Pribyslav, Pribygniev, Pribyćest, Pribydrug, and others.The toponym from the Tlumach district of the Ivano-Frankivsk region, Przybyłow, is first mentioned in historical sources in 1492. The surname Pribylo is still found among Ukrainians today. Similar surnames, such as Pribega, Pribik, Pribych, Pribysh, Pribosh, and Pribula, have also been documented among Transcarpathian Ukrainians.Interestingly, in Poland, the personal name Przibilko has been recorded since 1372.

English transliteration




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