Poznan is an ancient Slavic masculine personal name in the form of a passive participle with the suffix -an, derived from the verb "poznati," which means "to recognize." The earliest known mention of this name dates back to 1214 in a record: “scilicet Viliam Chyan Bezegu, Poznan Retztel” — the county of Zemplin. In Polish-Latin sources, the name Poznan is recorded during the 13th-14th centuries. This name is also associated with the name of the city of Poznań in Poland. This participial name was used in Transylvania as well, and its personal name correlate is associated with the full two-root name Poznomir. Currently, the personal name Poznan is also used by Serbs and Croats, who qualify it as a participial formation from the verb "poznati," which means "to recognize." In the Ternopil region, the name of the settlement Poznań is documented in 1590, and in 1650 and later, this name appears in the form of Poznanka.