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Name «Pachko»


Dictionary meaning

The name "Pachko" originates from ancient Slavic tradition and is a personal name that is derived from the medieval Transcarpathian toponym Pachkov/Pachkovtsi. Today, this location is situated in the village of V. Lazy in the Uzhhorod district (see Petrova 60). It is also noteworthy that there is a village named Pachkovychi in the Przemyśl land, which was recorded in 1631 in the town of Sudomir (SSUM II 130). In Slovakia, the toponym Rasa has been encountered since the 14th century (Local History Dictionary, 459). The creative basis of the name "Pachko" has roots in Proto-Slavic bisyllabic names such as Pakomyr, Pakoslav, Pachomyl, which contain the prepositional element "Pache-", meaning "more."

English transliteration




1 songs with name mentions Pachko


Оперний театр, шапки із ондатр,
Пачка "Ватри" і нема лаве.
Ось підходять генії, "я прошу прощения,
Можно сигаретку, лучше две?"

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