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Name «Orest»

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З Днем Народження, Оресте!


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    Dictionary meaning

    The name Orest has Greek origins and means "mountaineer" or "wildman."

    English pronunciation

    To pronounce the Ukrainian name "Orest," follow these steps: 1. Start with the "O" which sounds like the "o" in "off." 2. Next, pronounce "rest" where the "r" is rolled slightly, like in the word "error." The "e" is pronounced as "eh," similar to the "e" in "let." 3. The "s" is pronounced as in "sad," and the "t" sounds like the "t" in "toe." Putting it all together, it should sound like "Oh-rest" with a slightly rolled "r."

    English transliteration


    Patronymic Creation




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    Images with name Orest
    З Днем Народження, Оресте!