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Name «Netreba»


Dictionary meaning

The personal name Netraba arises through the elimination of the suffix -ivka from the toponyms of the model Netrabivka, which, for example, functions in the name of a farm near the village of Obertin in Pokuttya (Buchko Poch 93). Other possible etymological versions of this name can be found in the article by V. Blazhek in the journal Actaonomastica, Series I, 2009.The prefix Ne- was added to the Old Slavic male name Treba, the lexical meaning of which is directly related to the ancient Slavic word "treba," meaning "pagan sacrifice" (Svob89). Related surnames and toponyms such as Trebush, Trebushany, Trebishov and others are still used throughout the Slavic world. It's also worth noting ancient Slavic names such as Trebko, Trebaslaus, Trebiebor, Trebiemir, Trebiemysł, Trebisz, Trebowit (SSNO V 4 77-480; Mop 194).The name Netraba and the derived personal names in Ukraine have been recorded since the 17th century. For example, in 1649, there was the Zaporizhian Cossack Netraba Shishchenko (R 162); in 1649, Cossack Semen Netraba from the Korsun regiment (RVZ 142); and in 1651, Oleksiy Netraba (Arch YUZR VI/1 577).From this name, patronymics began to be formed quite early. For instance, in 1649, there were the patronymics of Cossack Opanas Netrabenko from the Poltava regiment (RVZ 410), Cossack Semen Netrabenko from the Cherkasy regiment (RVZ 30), and Cossack Savka Netrabin from the Uman regiment (RVZ 208).

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Святий Боже, святий кріпкий,
Я з Нетреби, а ти звідки?
На капусті дрібна роса,
Вибачайте, що я боса.

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А я тебе давно уже забув

Зорю померлу
Зву із ночі темної кажу
Нетреба зоре не спалахуй
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