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Name «Nekhvalъ»


Dictionary meaning

The personal name Nekhval originates from the name of the Ukrainian village Nekhval-Polianka (in colloquial form – Nekhvalova Polianka), which is located in the Humenne district of the Slovak Republic. The earliest written mention of this village dates back to 1547, and from 1567 it was referred to as Polyanka Nechwal, and from 1808 – Nechwal Polanka.The name Nekhval is of a nickname type and arose from the truncated form of the imperative mood of the verb "to praise," which means "praise!" combined with the negative particle "ne-". In the local colloquial variant, this name sounds like "Ne khvalі." It is possible that this name originated from the request "Ne khval!" as a caution to those present not to overwhelm the child with boasting.

English transliteration


