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Name «Nebaba»


Dictionary meaning

The name 'Nebaba' is a Ukrainian surname derived from the noun 'baba', which means 'woman' in general, with the addition of the negation particle 'Ne-'. This is similar to Russian names such as Nekras, Nezhdan, Neudacha, and Nesupokoy.According to historical data, patronymic surnames like Myshko Nebabych and Yusko Nebabych were already mentioned in the city of Zhytomyr in 1609. In 1649, historical sources reference a colonel of the Zaporizhian army named Martyn Nebaba.Today, the surname Nebaba is found in the Chernihiv region, confirming the long-standing existence of this name in Ukrainian culture.

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1 songs with name mentions Nebaba

Мсьє Небаба

Бідний лях,
Запорозький фехтувальник
Мсьє Небаба
З мушкетерами гарцює
На шаблях,

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