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Name «Mysko»


Dictionary meaning

The masculine name Mysko is mentioned several times in the Registers of the Zaporizhian Army from 1649. In particular, there is the Cossack of the Poltava Regiment, Mysko Olkhovych; Cossacks of the Mirgorod Regiment, Mysko Mamchenko and Mysko Pavlovych; Cossacks of the Kropyvnyansky Regiment, Mysko Buryak and Mysko Chorny; the Cossack of the Uman Regiment, Mysko Chorny’s son; and the Cossack of the Bratslav Regiment, Mysko Lyakh (R.V.Z 248, 386, 391, 358, 362). The name is also mentioned in the Kharkiv Census of 1660: Cossack Mysko Omelchenko (H.P. 164). The name Mysko is likely a shortened version of the ancient Hebrew personal name Misael, although it can also be derived from some Slavic compound name containing the root - MYSL - for example, Dobromysl.

English transliteration




1 songs with name mentions Mysko


Кіт приніс магніт до хати,
Раптом стало все літати:
Миска, ніж, виделки, ложки,
Навіть холодильник трошки.


Кіт приніс магніт до хати,
Раптом стало все літати:
Миска, ніж, виделки, ложки,
Навіть холодильник трошки.

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