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Name «Maslo»


Dictionary meaning

The name "Maslo" at first glance derives from the Slavic appellative "maslo," meaning "butter." However, it is also possible that it is a truncated variant of one of the ancient Slavic compound names, such as "Maslomet" or "Masloboh," as reproduced by Professor H. Buchko and Associate Professor H. Buchko based on ancient Ukrainian composite names. The earliest written mentions of the name "Maslo" in Ukrainian documents date back to the 16th-17th centuries. For example, in 1565, documents mention the names of the village heads of the Khmelnytskyi starostvo: Denis, Marko, Masło, Maxim, Steczko. In 1620, the individual Maslo Bondar from the town of Berezdiv is noted. Beginning in the 16th century, the anthroponym "Maslo" was also used in Ukraine and Belarus as an additional identifier of a person alongside their name. For instance, in 1552, the name Bohdan Maslo, a townsman from Mozyr, is recorded; in 1563 – Andrii Maslo, a peasant from Kremianets; in 1653 – Vasyl Maslo, a peasant from Kamianets. In 1552, the city of Mozyr also mentions the personal name "Masliuk" – Masliuk Kalynkovych. It is noteworthy to highlight the record of the name "Mazlan" from the Transcarpathian village of Chingava in 1574.

English transliteration




5 songs with name mentions Maslo

Мишки на Великдень Пасочку мiсили

Борошно крізь сито
Масло додавали
Й молочко тепленьке,
Дріжджі, цукор, яйця

На Вулиці Скрипка грає

По Долині Віці пасла
Назбирала Горщик Масла ойойой! | (2)

Горщик Масла Миску Миру

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Навіщо ти про себе таке кажеш,
Маслом мажеш? Сідай ближче, поговорим,
Якщо захочеш,
Я для тебе буду справжнім мачо,

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Бідна моя головонько

Наварила вареників,
Маслом помастила.
А хто прийде на вечерю,
Тому буду мила.

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Мишки на Великдень Пасочку мiсили

Борошно крізь сито
Масло додавали
Й молочко тепленьке,
Дріжджі, цукор, яйця

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Yamaha Super Tenere

Супер Тенере!
Ямаха Супер Тенере!
Масла не жере
Ямаха Супер Тенере!

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