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Name «Markiian»

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Dictionary meaning

It has Latin origins and means “one who belongs to Mars” or “dedicated to Mars.” Markiian is one of several names dedicated to the cult of the Roman god Mars.

English pronunciation

To pronounce the Ukrainian name "Markiian," follow these steps using the provided Ukrainian letters and their transliterations:1. **Start with "Mar":** The first syllable "Mar" sounds like "mar" in "market." Here, "М" (m) is pronounced as "m" like in "more," and "а" (a) is like the "a" in "father." The "р" (r) is rolled like the "r" in "error."2. **Move to "kii":** For the second syllable, "kii," you have "к" (k) pronounced as "k" in "kit," then "и" (y) pronounced as "yy," similar to the "y" in "myth," but it should sound firm and not soft, ending with "і" (i) pronounced as "ee" like "meet."3. **Conclude with "an":** Finally, the last syllable "an" has "я" (ya), pronounced as "ya" in "yacht," followed by "н" (n), which sounds like "n" in "no."So, when piecing it together, "Markiian" is pronounced approximately as "Mar-kee-yan" with equal stress on each syllable.

English transliteration


Patronymic Creation




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Images with name Markiian