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Name «Manko_1»


Dictionary meaning

The name "Manko" is a Ukrainian name derivative with the suffix "-ko." It originates from ancient Slavic names such as Manimir or Manislav. There is also a version suggesting that this name has Hebrew roots and is related to the calendar name Emmanuel. The earliest record of the name "Manko" dates back to 1411, where it mentions a gentleman Manko Ardieievich. Other references appear in 1565 - Manko Pereleshenko, as well as in 1600 - Manko Fedorenko, who lived in the city of Kharkiv.

English transliteration




1 songs with name mentions Manko_1

В Стрийськім парку на фистині

Ойра, шо сі діє,
Ойра, світ сі сміє,
Ойра, Манька пріє,
А музичка гра.

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