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Name «Malii»


Dictionary meaning

The name Malii is derived from the name Mal. In Ukrainian territories, as well as in Polish ones, this name began to be recorded from the late 15th century. For example, it is mentioned in sources from 1498: peasant Malěы Vasyanov; in 1552: Malei Shashich - resident of the town of Chornobyl; in 1649: Cossack of the Poltava regiment Malіi Marchenko, Cossack of the Myrhorod regiment Malіi Syrovatchenko. Besides Ukraine, the name Malii was also used in Belarus and Russia throughout the 17th century. Early on, patronymics began to form from it, for example, in 1618: Lukśa Maliow - the village of Mestychko; in 1640: Hryń Maliyevych.

English transliteration




1 songs with name mentions Malii

Ой, верба-верба, мокра калюжа

Ой-йо-йо-йо-йой! | (2)

Малій дитині пиріжок дала,
Щоб татусеві та й не сказала, |

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