The name "Liutko" is a diminutive form of the ancient name "Liut," formed with the suffix "-ko." This name is documented in written records as early as the 15th-16th centuries. For example, in 1438, we have the anthroponym Lutko (AGZ XIII 94 6), in 1494 - Petrus Luthko (AGZ XIX 2356), and also in 1565 - Lutko Chominowicz (OK3P III 209). A village named Luthkowicz is mentioned in 1469 (AGZ XIII 290), along with the personal name "Liut" (Mor 116). From the 15th century onward, patronyms derived from the personal name Liutko were already recorded, such as Lutkowicz in 1435 (AGZ XI 759) and Liutkovъ in 1562 (Tup 689).