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Name «Liubyi»


Dictionary meaning

The name 'Liubyi' is a substantivized adjective. It appears in historical documents, notably in the Old Hungarian orthography of 1567, where it features a resident of Uzhhorod named Lywby György. In a record from 1631, it also retains its Slavic nature, as seen in the spelling Lubi György.

English transliteration




1 songs with name mentions Liubyi

Ой при Лужку при Лужку при Широкім Полі

Ой не вийшла Дівчинонька вийшла Її Мати
Здоров-здоров Любий Зятю пожалуй у Хату -2

Я не хочу в Хату хочу у Світлицю

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