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Name «Leva»


Dictionary meaning

The name is a Slavic form of the genitive case of the masculine name Lev. In documents from various years, we can find numerous mentions of this name. For example, in 1234, a document mentions "nomine Comana a Leva" – referring to the Zemplin comitat. In 1421, "Pan Khodko and his brother Leva" is mentioned (Dictionary of Old Ukrainian Language, 1541). In 1649, a Cossack from the Korsun regiment bore the name Lev Onishchenko (Register of Military Achievements, 150). In 1684, we see a record of serfs Leva Domitru and Todor from the village of V. Runa (Bela 186).Patronymics related to the name Lev began to form quite early. For instance, in 1443, documents mention "Alexander Levach" (Dictionary of Old Ukrainian Language, I 542), and in 1492, there is a record of "our servant Ivanko Levin" (Dictionary of Old Ukrainian Language, I 531). Additionally, it is worth noting a record from 1457: "Ihnathalias Lewo" (AGZ XV 198) – which also indicates the popularity of the name Lev at that time.

English transliteration


Patronymic Creation


