The name 'Laslov' is a Hungarian phonetic variation of the Slavic two-component name Vladislav or Ladislav (in Hungarian Laszló). Intermediate stages of the development of this name were the variants Ladislav and Laczsław. Specifically, in Polish-Latin records, the name is noted as Laczslaus for Ukrainian peasants in Galicia.The earliest written mentions of the name Laslov date back to the 13th century and subsequent centuries. For example, in 1232, the name Laszló ruthen was recorded in the city of Esztergom; in 1498 — Lasław.In Transcarpathia, starting from the 16th century, the Hungarian administration began to use the name Laslov for registering Ukrainians who had the name Vasyl. For instance, in 1605, Ozimko Laszló was recorded in the village of Studeny; in 1648 — Kurnik Laszló in the village of Bystrica; in 1668 — Popovics Laszló in the village of Bilky; in 1685 — Kozak Laszló in the city of Uzhhorod; and in 1699 — Rusznak Laszló in the village of Bystrica.