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Name «Krysko»


Dictionary meaning


The name Krisko is no longer used in Ukraine, but it has been recorded multiple times in the registers of the Zaporizhian Host in 1649 (R.V.Z. 142, 177, etc.). Additionally, in 1660, the Cossack Krisko Martynenko is mentioned (H.P. 161). It may also be traced in the form of the Cossack name Krosko Kuzenkov from the city of Chornobyl, which is referenced in 1552 (O.C.Z. 591). It is possible that its continuation is found in last names recorded in 1649: Krys', Kriskov, Krischenko.

The name Krisko derives from the ancient Slavic two-root name Kresimir, Kresislav, or Kreśimir, which contains the archaic verb "kresiti" in its foundation, meaning 'to awaken', 'to sparkle', 'to resurrect', 'to bring to life' (E.S.S.Y. 12 126; Bubak 185). Its origin can be traced back to the Proto-Slavic name Kresimir (Śim 181; Hrk 114; Svob 77).

English transliteration




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