The name Krasko is no longer used in Ukraine, but it is still preserved by Serbs and Croats. Since the mid-17th century, it has served only as an additional designation associated with a personal name in Ukraine and Slovakia. For example, in 1565, we encounter Ivachno Krasko, and in 1649, a Cossack from the Bilozerkivsky regiment named Ihnat Krasko. In 1715, a serf named Andrii Krashko from the village of Richka in Transcarpathia is mentioned.From the name Krasko, patronymic surnames have been formed. For instance, in 1565, Kraskowicz is mentioned, and in 1649, a Cossack from the Bratslav regiment named Hrytsko Krashchenko is recorded. Thus, this is a truncated-suffix formation derived from one of the newer compound names, which include the root "kras-", meaning 'beautiful', such as Krasymir, Krasybor, and Nekras.