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Name «Khotymka»


Dictionary meaning

Khotymka is a diminutive and endearing variant of the name Khotyma, which is a complete Slavic bipartite name Khotymyr. In the Middle Ages, this name gained official status; however, over time it lost its positive expressive connotation. The name Khotymka was recorded in 1620 in the phrase "Khotymka widow" from the village of Hlynnyky. In the territory of medieval Poland, the female name Khotymka is documented in two variants: Ukrainian and Polonized. Notably, in a record from 1481, it mentions “Jurek uxoris nobilis Chotimka; Nobilis Mathey Popyel... cum Anna, Chotimka, Nasthka... filiabussuis”. There is also a record from 1470: “Dotalicium Chocimka, uxoris Phyedkode Podmichalowcze... nobilem Choczimka alias Phenna, filiam nobilis Vasilko de Czechowcze”.

English transliteration


