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Name «Khoten»


Dictionary meaning

The personal name Khoten is derived from the passive participle of the verb "khotity," which means "to desire." This name was first recorded in 1284 among the names of serfs of the Uzhhorod castle, specifically as Hothen, Hustugk, Domozlo, and Doruzlai. There is also a record of the name Choten dated to 1464. The name Choteyn appears in the Polish milieu among the peasants of Galicia in the 15th century. It is also reflected in the medieval toponymy of Romanian Maramureș, particularly in the name of the village Hoteni, as well as in the toponymy of Chernivtsi region, where the town of Khotin is derived from the personal name Khot, which is related to the composite name Khotimir.

English transliteration


