Diagram popularity of the name Illia in the country
Close to 0.51% men has a name Illia
Up to 75000 bearers of the name in Ukraine
In 2006 the most were named boys with name Illia
Popularity is gradually increasing
The name is most popular in the period from 1992 year to 2005
Dictionary meaning
The Ukrainian version of the biblical (Old Hebrew) name Eliyahu. Meaning of the name: my God - the true God. It is a description of the name 'Illia'.
English pronunciation
To pronounce the Ukrainian name "Illia," follow these tips:1. Break it down into two parts: "Il" and "lia."2. "Il" is pronounced as "eel" (like “ee” in “meet”), and "lia" is pronounced as "lee-ah" (with "lee" like “lee” in “leek” and "ah" like “a” in “father”).So, together it sounds like "eel-lee-ah." The emphasis is generally on the first syllable, "Il."