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Name «Ihor»

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З Днем Народження, Ігоре!

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Пестливі та зменшувальні імена в кличному

Пестливе Кличний
Ігорчик Ігорчиче
Ігорюсик Ігорюсиче
Ігоряша Ігоряшо
Горя Горе
Ігоруша Ігорушо
Ігоша Ігошо
Ігошенька Ігошенько
Гоша Гошо
Гога Гого
Гогочка Гогочко


Diagram popularity of the name Ihor in the country

  • Close to 3.04% men has a name Ihor
  • Up to 440000 bearers of the name in Ukraine
  • In 1966 the most were named boys with name Ihor
  • Popularity is gradually decreasing
  • The name is most popular in the period from 1960 year to 1975 and from 1985 year to 1989

Dictionary meaning

The name is borrowed from the Old Norse word “Ingvarr” (“Ing” – the god of fertility, “Varr” – cautious, caring). Another version suggests that the name comes from the Old Russian “In(ь)gvara” (to guard the name of God), which is interpreted as military, strength, warlike.

English pronunciation

To pronounce the Ukrainian name "Ihor," break it down as follows:

1. Start with the "I" which sounds like "ee" in "meet."
2. Follow with "hor," where the "h" is like "h" in "hat," and the "or" is pronounced like "oar" (as in "more") but shorter.

Putting it all together, it sounds somewhat like "EE-hor." Emphasize the first syllable slightly for clarity.

Here’s a quick reference table:

| Ukrainian Letter | Transliteration | Pronunciation Example | Pronunciation Tip |
| І і | I | ee | like “ee” in “meet” |
| Г г | h | h | like “h” in “hat” |
| О о | o | or | similar to “oar” in “more,” but shorter |

So, "Ihor" = "EE-hor."

English transliteration


Variations of name Ihor

Ігорчик, Ігорюсик, Ігоряша, Горя, Ігоруша, Ігоша, Ігошенька, Гоша, Гога, Гогочка

Patronymic Creation




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Images with name Ihor
З Днем Народження, Ігоре!

Products with name Ihor

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Гей долиною гей широкою Козаки йдуть !

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