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Name «Ihnatii»

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Diagram popularity of the name Ihnatii in the country

  • Close to 0% men has a name Ihnatii
  • Up to 200 bearers of the name in Ukraine
  • In 2003 the most were named boys with name Ihnatii
  • Popularity is gradually increasing

Dictionary meaning

The Latin name that has two meanings - "fiery" and "unborn."

English pronunciation

To pronounce the Ukrainian name 'Ihnatii,' follow these tips:1. Start with the first syllable "Ih," which sounds like "ee" in "meet." So, say "ee" followed by a light breath sound as in "h," giving you "Ih." 2. Next, pronounce "na," as in "nah," with an "a" like in "father." 3. For the third syllable "tii," use "tee" as in "tea," but stretch it slightly. Putting it all together, say "Ih-na-tee" with a clear emphasis on each syllable, making sure the "h" in "Ih" is audible. In phonetic symbols, it looks like: [ee-h-nah-tee].

English transliteration


Variations of name Ihnatii


Patronymic Creation




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Онуфрій, Ігнатій, ось постать Максима...
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