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Name «Hudets»


Dictionary meaning

The name "Hudets" originates from the patronymic "Hudcevyat," which is mentioned three times in 1603 in the town of Benedikivtsi in the Mukachevo region. In the documents, phrases such as "he remained with Kosti Hudcev" and "Hudcevyat Pylyp gifted" can be found (Lel Pam 222, 224). This name is formed from the verbal base "hud-" which means 'to hum' or 'to play the violin' (taking the present tense form of the verb: hudu, hudes, hudet...). The suffix "-ets" is used. There is a significant similarity between this name and the Slovak word "hudec," which translates as 'musician,' as well as the Ukrainian surname "Hudivok." The family form of the name is Hudets'.

English transliteration


