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Name «Hroza»


Dictionary meaning

The name "Hroza" is derived from the name of the Polissian village Hroziv, which was mentioned in 1570 and later. The name is associated with the names Hrozimir and Hrozislav, in which the root "Hroz-" expresses the meaning of "fear," "horror," or "trembling." There are also toponyms related to this root, such as Hrozove (in Zaporizhia and Kherson regions), Hrozyne (in Donetsk region), and Hrozintsi (in Chernivtsi region).

English transliteration




1 songs with name mentions Hroza

Ой Садом Садом тай Виноградом

З Старими Людьми на Ради би йти
А з Парубками Село во Грозі
А з Дівчатками Село весело!

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