The personal name Hostomysl is recorded in Ukrainian dictionaries only in the VIL edition on page 47, and in Russian sources - in N. O. Petrovsky's dictionary on page 9. However, in ancient times, the name Hostomysl was actively used in Ukraine, as evidenced by modern Ukrainian surnames such as Host, Hostinyak, Hostinar, Hostych, as well as the surnames Myslym and Myslytsky, recorded by P. Chuchka and Yu. Redyka.The name Hostomysl belongs to the Proto-Slavic category. The prefix "hostъ-" expresses the concept of 'guest', 'foreigner', 'merchant' (similar to the Latin "hospes" and the German "Gast"), while the suffix "-mysl-" refers to thought or action 'to think, to consider'. Examples of ancient Czech names containing similar roots include Hostimil, Radohost, and Hodomysl.