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Name «Gano»


Dictionary meaning

Gano is a Slavic personal name of Bulgarian or Serbian origin. It is derived from the zakarpattian (oikonim) Ganychy, located in the Tiachiv region. The earliest traces of the personal name Ganyo are recorded in local surname designations such as Gänya Koszta and Ganya Petras from the neighboring village of Hrushevo, as well as in the naming of the serf Ganko Nikita from the village of Dragovo. The surname Hanski is documented in 1672 in the village of V. Bychkov. The oldest Hungarian-language variants of the oikonim Ganychy date back to the 15th century and are found in forms such as Ganyafalva, Ganya, Nagy Ganya, Ganych, Ganyczfalva. According to H. Kovachev, the personal name Ganyo, as well as its main variant Gany, is related to the neutral Bulgarian or Serbian name Dragan. According to S. Ilchev, this name is connected with the name Blagano.

English transliteration




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