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Name «Drohobych»


Dictionary meaning

It is likely a polonized variant of the ancient Ukrainian personal name Doroho byt, which is derived with the suffix *-jb from the former Slavic name Doro ho byt. Currently, the anthroponym Drohobych is represented in the villages of the Rakhiv area as a surname, as well as the name of a well-known city in the Boyko region. The earliest mention of this geographical name Drohobych dates back to the year 1380.

English transliteration




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1 songs with name mentions Drohobych

Блаженні Отці

Дорогу хресну, силу джерела,
Любові вічній подали правицю, |
Любов Христа в Дрогобич повела. | (2)


Блаженні Отці

Дорогу хресну, силу джерела,
Любові вічній подали правицю, |
Любов Христа в Дрогобич повела. | (2)


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