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Name «Drobutko»


Dictionary meaning

In the Zakarpattia Hutsul region during the 17th century, the family name Drobutko was still in use as a patronymic name. For example, in 1672, individuals named Drabutka Fedor, Ivan, and Yurko are mentioned in the village of Kosivska Polyana. In the same village, a person named Drebuts F. Maksym is also referenced.Drob'yazko is a name of familial and domestic origin, formed from the same root Drob- as the previously mentioned names, but complicated by the element -yazk(o). There are grounds to believe that the term "drob'yazka" in certain dialects referred to "a clerk who divided the land."Drob'yazok is a Ukrainian name of a nickname type that originated based on the dialectal term "drob'yazka," meaning "a clerk who divided the land."

English transliteration


