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Name «Draga»


Dictionary meaning

The name 'Draga' is recorded in Ukraine among the registered Cossacks of the Zaporizhian Host in 1649, when, for example, a Cossack from the Bratslav regiment bore the name Draga Semenko. Today, this name is used as an independent one primarily among South Slavs and is classified as a suffix formation derived from full bisyllabic names such as Dragomir and Dragoslav.In 1429, in the city of Suceava, the patronymic Draghich was documented, originating from this name. Additionally, in 1565, a peasant named Kondrat Draga was recorded in the village of Ratno. At the same time, the surname Draga, in the context of the calendar name Franciscus, was already documented in 1570.

English transliteration




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