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Name «Dovbnia»


Dictionary meaning

The name "Dovbnia" is a masculine personal name that originated from surnames of the 15th-18th centuries. For example, in 1492, in the city of Suceava, the sons of Khotko Dolbnych were mentioned, and in 1649, Cossacks Vasyl Dovbnia and Yatsko Dovbnia are referenced. In 1715, the name "Dovbnia" is recorded as a nickname in documents, specifically a serf named Dobnya from the village of Pidvynogradiv.The origin of the name "Dovbnia" is related to the stem word meaning "heavy wooden mallet." The name can also be associated with the Old Slavic word "Dovha," which has roots in words meaning "long." The name "Dovha" was common in Ukraine, particularly in Zakarpattia, where traditional surnames have been preserved, such as Dovha, Dovhan, and Dovhanenets.

English transliteration




1 songs with name mentions Dovbnia

Ой, чи чуєш ти, дубе

Ой, чи чуєш ти, биче:
Я нашлю на тебе довбню!
Довбня не йде бика бить,
Бик не йде воду пить,
Вода не йде вогонь лить,

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