Donia is a feminine personal name that has at least two etymological explanations. Firstly, this name could originate from the Ukrainian word "donya," which means 'daughter.' This word has been documented in the Ukrainian language since the 16th century (see the Dictionary of the Ukrainian Language).Secondly, some researchers view this name as a colloquial variant of the ancient Greek name Eudokia. This name is still used in various dialects of the Ukrainian language, for example, as Dokia, Dosya, Odótya, Donya, and others.The feminine name Donia is first mentioned in Ukrainian history in 1492: "and his sister Donѣ" — in the city of Suceava (see the Dictionary of the Ukrainian Language); and also in 1495: "paid... for the guarantee of Donya" — in the city of Iași.