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Name «Domoslav»


Dictionary meaning

Domoslav is an ancient Slavic name, documented in 1284 among the serfs of the castle town of Uzhhorod: Hothen, Hustugk, and Domozlo (pronounced: Khoten, Hoshchuk, Domoslav). The name is formed from the noun base "Dom-" (meaning 'house, homestead') and "slava" (meaning 'glory'). In Poland, the name Domoslav is documented in writing in the 14th - 15th centuries, while variants such as Doma-slav, Domuzlaus, Domezlaus, Domislaus, and Domyslav have been known since the 13th century. The name is also represented in Serbian and Croatian anthroponymy. According to Slovak onomasts (specialists in name studies), the original meaning of the name Domoslav was 'glorify the home' or 'glorious at home'.

English transliteration


