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Name «Doda»


Dictionary meaning

The name Doda is reflected in medieval records of microtoponyms of the Moldavian principality. For example, in the record from 1415: "dодовъ дѣль," "доба­ва могыла," "потокъ додовъ" (SSUM I 312); in 1691: "serfs from the village Dilove" Doda Ivan, Doda Dombrawa (Belay 208). The anthroponym Doda is associated with Southern Slavic bisyllabic names such as Dobryvoe, Dobroslav (Kovachev 184; Grk 79; Śim 78), as well as with the surnames of Transcarpathian Ukrainians from the 17th - 18th centuries: Dodan, Dodik, Dodovchik, Dodovchich (ChuPrizv. 202).

English transliteration


