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Name «Ditko»


Dictionary meaning

The name 'Ditko' is a diminutive and affectionate variant of the name 'Ditina'. The earliest records of this name date back to the 15th century. For example, in 1420, it is mentioned as "the faith of Lord Ivan Ditko" in the village of Niamts (Ukrainian Greek of the 15th century). A record from 1468 also cites Iwasko alias Deczatko. In 1689, a serf named Guitko is mentioned in the Transcarpathian village of Trosnyk. In 1649, in the village of Roztoka near Norit, a kenes (a local leader) Gyitkovics is named, and in the village of Kopynivtsi in the Mukachevo region, there is a field area called Ditkovytsi. In Czech, the name Ditko is recorded even in the Old Czech period, and in Slovakia, in the Ujvar committee, the name Detusa de villa Sarus is mentioned as early as 1217.

English transliteration




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Дітко, спочивай.

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